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Uratë Shabani

Uratë Shabani Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Real Breasts

Nude Roles: 1

Top Uratë Shabani Scenes

The Hill Where Lionesses Roar (2021) Nude, breasts Flaka, Era, and Uratë's bloody bumpers are front and center! What a tit-illating trio! (7 secs)
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Uratë’s nude debut came in 2021 as one of a trio of leading ladies going topless in the acclaimed Albanian-language indie The Hill Where the Lionesses Roar (La colline où rugissent les lionnes). She’d only appeared in the short film Bored Bitch (2019) before that, but there’s nothing boring about seeing Uratë’s marvelous melons or her hot makeup sesh with costar Flaka Latifi. She popped up in 2022’s The Land Within and has been cast in the upcoming Bota Jone by Lionesses writer-director Luàna Bajrami. Hopefully the same director means there’s a good chance of a more nudity from Uratë!