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The Invasion

The Invasion (2007)

No Nudity


Mankind is acting all kinds of weird in The Invasion (2007), an alien-contagion sensation based on Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and its source novel, Jack Finney's The Body Snatchers. There's just been a space-shuttle crash, and investigators into the incident have found something eerie in the debris. Whoever comes in contact with this extraterrestrial material goes a little blooey. Though their bodies don't change, their personalities do—they turn cold, creepy, and downright freaky-deaky. Noggin doctor Nicole Kidman watches this fate befall her patients, and with longtime buddy Daniel Craig she sets out to save the world. The virus is spreading incredibly fast, leaving Nicole and Dan unsure of whom to trust in the race to unravel the mystery behind the alien mess. All they know is that her kid is the key (and that, try as she might, Kidman never goes fully nudie).