Yesterday afternoon I had a root canal at my dentist's. After it was over, I felt like seeing other people in pain so I went to check out the new fright flick in theaters, The Ruins. The story follows a group of four American tourists who meet up with a German and a Greek guy in Mexico and decide to go visit an ancient Mayan pyramid that no longer appears on any map. Imagine my surprise when I also discovered a pyramid, made of denim and sitting in my lap, at about the eleven-minute mark, just when blonde babe Laura Ramsay shows her chest columns and her rear arch (and MAYBE a quick peek at her temple mound, but I'll have to wait for the DVD to be sure). The rest of the movie is a blood- and shock-driven terror-de-force in which the hapless teenagers try to stay alive despite being trapped in a ruin deep in the jungle with a vicious man-eating plant. This one will please gore-hounds and skinophiles alike!