Martial Law is a good-hearted action series that centers on Sammo Law (Sammo Hung), a Chinese cop who goes to Los Angeles in search of a missing colleague and a fugitive crime boss. Once there, his temporary mission is soon turned into a permanent position. Partnered with two American cops, he now cleans the streets of Los Angeles…. The strongest asset of Martial Law (aside from Hung’s highly sympathetic screen presence) is the perfect choreography of the fight scenes. Upgraded by fine editing, excellent cinematography, and amazing stunt work, the fight scenes make up a major part of the series’ success. Despite being popular with audiences, the series only ran for two seasons and was cancelled in 2000. Nudity Report: None. For some extreme cleavage (and at least partial nudity) of leading lady Kelly Hu check out the 2002 blockbuster The Scorpion King. The flick itself is quite a bomb, but Kelly and her assets are a strong redeeming feature!