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Laura Drasbæk

Laura Drasbæk Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Nørrebro, DK

Date of Birth: 12/22/74


Perky Danish pastry Laura Drasbæk is a hot little number with a hard-to-pronounce last name, but who needs names when the language of skin is universal. (And yes, the “a” and “e” are supposed to be smooshed together like that; it’s not a typo, blame Denmark.) She made her debut at 16, with the role of Lollo in filmDance of the Polar Bears (1990), and has been working steadily, if not sporadically ever since. For her role as Karen in Familien Gregersen (2004), aka Lost Generation, she earned a Danish Film Award nomination for Best Actress, and in 2005, she earned a few accolades from Mr. Skin for her part as Nina in Murk, where her small breasts and hard nipples pop up on the silver screen. Laura is also known in her native Denmark for the flick Pusher (1996), playing Vic; as Susanne in Flickering Lights (2000); playing an actor in Daisy Diamond(2007) with Noomi Rapace; for No Time For Love (2009), where she played Lotte; and for the family-friendly movie The Contest: To the Stars and Back (2013), where she played DR-girl. The dark-haired hottie has also spent time on the littler screen, with starring roles in TV series like Charlotte in Forbrydelsen, or The Crime, in 2007; Katrine Holm in Park Road from 2009-2010; and Marianne Sommerdahl in The Sommerdahl Murdersfrom 2020-2021. She also played a French prostitute in a bio-pic about fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Anderson—Mr. Skin just thought it was an interesting tidbit you’d want to know.