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Finally, an Indian Porno Comic

India gained her independence from Great Britain in 1947, adopted a constitution in 1950, and... read more >>

Megan Mullaly’s mams are in demand

Busty brunette spitfire Megan Mullally, who played Karen Walker on the NBC hit sitcom Will &... read more >>

Nude on DVD: The Dead Pit

I'm pleased to see that rarely seen cult horror flick The Dead Pit (1989) is getting an official... read more >>

SKINcoming DVDs

Get the complete skinny on the hottest DVD releases for June 17, 2008!

Happy Bloomsday

Literary people everywhere celebrate June 16, the day on which Irish author James Joyce's... read more >>

Kate Beckinsale Insanely Wants To Deprive the World of Her Ass (Again)

Kate Beckinsale, consistently voted one of the hottest women in the world whenever someone... read more >>

Spike Vrusho: The Mr. Skin Skinterview

If you truly love your father, then Mr. Skin has the perfect Father's Day gift for the old man, ... read more >>

A Cure for Paraskavedekatriaphobia

The first and only Friday the 13th of 2008 is now upon us and millions of people around the world... read more >>

The Arkoff Formula

Today marks the birthday of legendary B-movie producer and distributor Samuel Z. Arkoff, who is... read more >>

“Naked Like the Truth”

Making its way around theatres is Italian master of horror Dario Argento's Mother of Tears... read more >>

Two Gemini Hall-of-Famers

Though painfully hot brunettes Gina Gershon and Elizabeth Hurley aren't twins, they are both... read more >>

SKINcoming DVDs

Get the complete skinny on the hottest DVD releases for June 3 to June 10, 2008! read more >>

Mr. Skin on E! Again

I was honored to see that once again the lovely Denise Richards mentioned MrSkin.com in her new... read more >>

Nero: A Hero?

On this date in 68, the Roman Emperor Nero, last of the Julio-Claudian line, committed suicide... read more >>

Hot Damn! Mr. Skin Salutes Heather Graham's Body of Work

Heather Graham? Hot Damn!
Oh, those Golden Grahams! On the outside, wide-eyed, rosy-lipped,... read more >>