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Great Skin-tellectuals: Sigmund Freud

Besides being one of the greatest minds the Western World has ever produced and a thinker whose... read more >>

SKINcoming - May 6, 2008!

Get the complete skinny on the hottest DVD releases for May 6, 2008! read more >>

Tracey Fragments

Nude in theaters this weekend is non-linear drama The Tracey Fragments featuring Juno's Canadian... read more >>

Jon Chattman: The Mr. Skin Interview

The Book of 'Bert': High-Class Stars with Some High-Class 'Stache (Triad Publishing) is an... read more >>

Hail Master Sardu

It was thirty years ago today when the often imitated but never superceded Bloodsucking Freaks... read more >>

Lesbians Need a New Name

Apparently, the people that live on the island of Lesbos (AKA Lesbians) are sick of sharing their... read more >>

Scared Stiff as a Boarding House

I'm pleased as punch to announce that one of the great all-time cheapo horror video bootlegs is... read more >>

‘Scuse Me While I Lick This Pie

Legendary psychedelic rocker, guitar innovator, and sixties icon Jimi Hendrix has been dead for... read more >>

Jessica Alba is 26 and I’m Still Waiting

Today seems like a good day to write about Jessica Alba because, as I mentioned Friday, she was... read more >>

SKINcoming - April 2008 - Part 2

Mr. Skin's opinionated peek at what's new and nude on home video this month. read more >>

FHM’s Top 10: Who’s Shown Skin?

Once again. FHM magazine has released its much anticipated list of the sexiest 100 women in the... read more >>

The Beast in Space Is in Your Face (Sucker)!

I'm happy to say that yet another lost classic is soon to be available on DVD- the unrated... read more >>

Freddy’s Nightmares Chills to the Bone

From time to time, I like to blog about some of my favorite boob tube shows in hopes that someone... read more >>

Earth Day Birthdays

Aside from being Earth Day, today also happens to be the birthday of some of the Earth's most... read more >>

Land of the Caesars and the Lemon Squeezers

According to legend, today is the day when twin brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city of... read more >>