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Arctic Heart

Arctic Heart (2016)

Brief Nudity


(0:23) Charlotte Le Bon in her bra and panties being photographed.   (0:27) Charlotte Le Bon in a tank in a bathing suit. Then she comes out.   (0:28) Charlotte Le Bon is lying on her stomach in her bathing suit on a table getting a massage.   (0:31) A bit shadowed but buns on Charlotte Le Bon on top of a guy in thong panties. The next shot reveals her in flesh-colored bra and panties, There’s an acrobatic shot where again it looks like you can see her buns with no panties. (Determine whether you believe those two shots are full buns or not.)   (0:40) Another lovemaking montage with Charlotte Le Bon in her bra and panties. Better lit this time.   (0:47) Charlotte Le Bon is in her bra lying down. She’ll be in her bra for about the next four minutes.   (1:13) Charlotte Le Bon  is standing in like a snow-colored body suit.