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Susan Clark

Susan Clark Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Red Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 4

Birthplace: Sarnia, Ontario, CA

Date of Birth: 03/08/40

6 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Susan Clark Scenes

Porky's (1981) Sexy, sexy
Valdez Is Coming (1971) Nude, breasts, underwear 00:45:40 A super brief flash of breasts from Susan as Burt Lancaster scares her out of bed with a pistol! (21 secs)
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Some combinations are always winners. Flaming red hair, glaring green eyes, a freckled chest, and skin the color of strawberry-rinsed cream -- such is the classic mix that has served Susan Clark well. Born in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, the illustrious import has been putting the pizzazz in color TV since 1967. Susan also lit up the big screen in such high-toned pictures as Coogan's Bluff (1968) and The Skin Game (1971). While The Skin Game lacked what its titled promised, Susan peeled the covers off her strawberry-cream funsacks in at least three instances. Although some skinthusiasts prefer the quick glimpses of copper-top tit pop in Deadly Companion (1980), old-school voyeurs swear by the classic lady-on-top sex bop with tittie flop in Night Moves (1975). Of course, those aren't the only glimpses of Susan's bod in all her glory. There's that shot of her plump bust in Porky's (1982) when her cleavage pours out of plunging neckline. There's her naked bod concealed behind a wine glass in Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970). And, of course, there's that shot of her bare breasts in Valdez Is Coming (1971). But whether she's letting it all hang out or strutting around in a silky, open robe, Susan is all woman, and she's all the woman we need. In recent years, Susan took up theater, appearing in a production of The Retreat from Moscow in 2006 and The Importance of Being Earnest in 2007. Whether she's on the stage or the screen, the importance of being as gorgeous as Susan is clear.


Porky's (1981) - as Cherry Forever

Deadly Companion (1980) - as Paula West

Night Moves (1975) - as Ellen

Nude, breasts 01:09:18 A fast look at Susan's yabbos as she chit-chats in bed with Gene Hackman. Very nice indeed. (53 secs)

Valdez Is Coming (1971) - as Gay Erin

Nude, breasts, underwear 00:45:40 A super brief flash of breasts from Susan as Burt Lancaster scares her out of bed with a pistol! (21 secs)

Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) - as Dr. Cleo Markham

Tell Them Willie Boy is Here (1969) - as Dr. Elizabeth Arnold

TV Shows

Emily of New Moon - as Elizabeth Murray

Webster - as Katherine Papadapolis

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