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Lucy Taylor

Lucy Taylor Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , AU

Top Lucy Taylor Scenes


Aussie Lucy Taylor was born in England, but moved to Australia when she was 3-years-old. After studying acting in college, she went on to perform with a few different theater companies in Melbourne and Sydney before moving to New York in 2005. While most of her work has been in Australian TV shows, that country is a lot more relaxed about nudity so Ms. Taylor was able to go full frontal in My Brother Jack (2001) with no problem. You might have a problem adjusting your pants to fit your growing situation as you watch Lucy pose nude for an art class. As she relaxes on a couch we get a fantastic view of her pale chest pillows and lower landing strip. With one glance at her incredible, curvy body you will be creating some splatter-based art of your own!