A leader of the Scottish resistance to the rule of English king Edward I, William Wallace was eventually defeated and captured.

After he stood trial for treason against a king whose authority he never recognized, Wallace was dragged through the streets naked, castrated, disemboweled, dismembered, hanged, and finally decapitated on August 23, 1305.

For many years, Wallace’s story was best known from its telling in the wandering bard Blind Harry’s 1470 epic poem The Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, Knight of Elderslie.

This poem inspired many subsequent fictionalized accounts, including the 1995 film Braveheart, starring and directed by Mel Gibson.

The movie gave audiences the immortal line, “Alba gu bra!” and gave British babe Catherine McCormack the chance to show her McCorm-rack for the second time in her career.

Mr. “Brave-hard” MacSkin reminds everyone, “They can take away her top, but they’ll never take . . . OUR BONERS!”