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Oh Lord, as if there weren’t enough thirtysomething clones out there, they had to go and make Wasteland. This ABC series followed the post-college lives of six friends. Dawnie (Marisa Coughlin) is a graduate student writing her thesis on the "lost generation,” and at twenty-seven she is a virgin. Okay, reality check. Have you seen Marisa Coughlin? No way this uber-babe is spending that long on God’s green earth without reversing the polarity on her knee magnets. Dawnie’s two best female friends are Sam (Rebecca Gayheart), a social worker, and Jesse (Sasha Alexander), a publicist obsessed with dating. Then there is Vandy, musician by day, bartender by night (guess which job pays the rent?). He still carries a torch for Sam, while Ty reappears after dumping Dawnie for not "putting out" back in college. Turns out Ty was the roommate of Russell, who is now a gay soap opera star who is terrified of being outed. Confused yet? So are we. That’s okay, because this show had the shelf life of January Egg Nog and was scrapped after three episodes, even though there were ten more in the can. On an interesting side note, actor Justin Theroux was slated to star in the show, but decided to sign on for Mulholland Drive with David Lynch (you know, that movie where Laura Harring and Naomi Watts made mad Sapphic love). For that decision alone, Theroux deserves a reward for the best career move of 1999. Speaking of career moves, Marisa Coughlin hasn’t stepped up to bat sans clothing--yet. However, the perky blonde wore some tight-ass tops in Teaching Mrs. Tingle and also played sexy Sheriff ‘s deputy Ursula Hanson in the hilarious Super Troopers. Same thing goes for SUV-empowered child killer Rebecca Gayheart, although she certainly teased us with a bra and panty party in Nothing to Lose. Only sexy redhead Allison Smith has graced us with her eminences, as she bounced her bonbons on the beach in Los Años Barbaros.