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Unmade Beds

Unmade Beds (1976)

No Nudity

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The most famous work of underground indie filmmaking sensation Amos Poe is his collaboration with Blondie's Debbie Harry in Unmade Beds (1976). In this meta-take on Godard's Breathless (1960), Duncan Hannah stars as Rico, a man so obsessed with the French New Wave that he actually believes himself to be the protagonist of Godard's film played by Jean-Paul Belmondo. Rico is a photographer, but imagines himself a gangster, with his camera the gun and his film the bullets, shooting everything he sees around him and trying to make art of it all. If Rico has a downfall, it's his belief in love and his desire for someone to share his life with, a possibility that presents itself when he meets, who else, but Blondie (Deborah Harry). At first she seems like the key to his happiness and he hopes to make a clean getaway with her by his side, but if he stops to remember the ending of Breathless for one minute, he'd probably ditch her and getaway on his own. The film was substantially ahead of its time, with all manner of references to and perversions of the French New Wave, like Amos Poe being a character in the film, yet played by a woman. Those references also include underground film legend Patti Astor playing French cinema legend Jeanne Moreau, even showing some cleavage as the famous star in a bra! Debbie Harry also shows some cleavage, but if you're looking for nudity, this ain't the place. If you're looking for groundbreaking independent guerrilla filmmaking, however, you can't do much better than Unmade Beds!