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Sputnik (2020)

No Nudity

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Sputnik (2020) is a Russian science fiction story that takes place during the Cold War about a person who survives an accident on a Soviet spaceship (thus the title Sputnik!). He has yet to return back home to his home planet, so while he waits to go back home he has to deal with the creature that he is convinced is hiding inside of him. A Russian psychologist is brought in when he comes back to evaluate what has happened and see how the lone survivor's mental state is, but it soon becomes obvious something much worse happened in the accident and that the commander is back to Earth with an alien being inside of him. He didn't return home to Earth alone! Leave it to the Russians to make such a captivating Cold War space story that we had no idea we needed. Oksana Akinshina plays Tatyana Klimova who looks absolutely stunning throughout the film. This tall, blonde, bombshell looks like the Russian model of our dreams and it really helps that she also goes nude in this movie. In one scene, she is bare-backed in the shower and we get to see some hefty sideboob when she lifts her arms to scrub her body. We do not get to see her breasts head-on, but her hooter looks pretty substantial from the side and this scene where Oksana is getting herself clean will leave you feeling very dirty. Oksana looks out-of-this-world when she gives us a view of her own Sputniks from the side.