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Marili (1959)

Brief Nudity


Marili (1959) is a German film that is more or less based on George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion, which also inspired the musical and film My Fair Lady. It tells the story of an educated author who makes a wager with his friend that he can take a girl named Marili (Sabine Sinjen) who was raised among the animals in the wild, and turn her into a proper lady that can fit in with the upper class of society. While it is a German film, it was made in the 1950s when standards were different, so don't expect a ton of flesh. We do, however, get a glimpse of Sabine Sinjen's spheres when she gets into an argument with her benefactor. Sabine lets her left nip slip as she tries to plant a kiss on her man, only to have her advances rebuffed. Marili you'll roll your dong!