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Mandrill (2009)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Action
  • Directed by: Ernesto Espinoza
  • Rated: R
  • Home Release: 02/28/2012
  • Country: Chile
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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The murder of his parents inspires a young man to become a ruthless bounty hunter code-named Mandrill (2009). Antonio's (Marko Zaror) parents were killed when he was a child, and he has devoted his life to finding the man who committed the crime. His thirst for vengeance has stunted his love life, so he asks his lothario uncle, Chone (Alejandro Castillo), to instruct him in the ways of wooing a women. When Antonio is assigned the capture of a of a powerful casino owner with ties to the mob, he realizes that this is the man behind his parents' demise. But when he meets the Mafioso’s beautiful daughter Dominique (Celine Reymond), she throws a wrench in his plans.Celine Reymond reveals her right roundie at the 47-minute mark while getting humped by the hero Mandrill. She’ll have your little man drilling a hole in your pants!