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Maja Ostaszewska

Maja Ostaszewska Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 3

Birthplace: Kraków, Malopolskie, PL

Date of Birth: 09/03/72

3 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Maja Ostaszewska Scenes

Never Gonna Snow Again (2020) Nude, breasts, underwear 00:10:00 Maja is getting a massage when her kid starts acting up, so she sits up to scold her. When she sits up and gets up, we can see that she is absolutely topless! (51 secs)
Never Gonna Snow Again (2020) Nude, breasts, underwear 00:18:10 Maja gets up off a massage table, showing off her breasts as she goes to put on a robe! (22 secs)
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Born in the Kraków, Malopolskie area of Poland in 1972, Maja Ostaszewska is your go-to actress if you're making a tragic World War II epci that will win Oscars. Maja Ostaszewska appears in both Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List (1993) and Roman Polanski's The Pianist (2002), two of cinema's most towering achievements in examining and illuminating the horrors of Nazi Germany and the desperate decency that helped humanity survive that existentially tragic trial. To be specific, Maja Ostaszewska portrays "Frantic Woman" in Schindler's List, and "Woman With Child" in The Pianist — and she looks hotter than the fire-bombing of Dresden in both! A popular pants-popping screen siren in her native Poland, top-heavy hottie Maja Ostaszewska more notable big-screen credits include The Haven (1998), Prymas Trzy Lata z Tysiaca (2000), Where Eskimos Live (2002), Changes (2002), Na dobre i na zle (2003), Czas honoru (2008), Przepis na zycie (2011), Katyn (2007), How Much Does the Trojan Horse Weigh? (2008), Janoski: A True Story (2009), Entanglement (2011), and Uwiklanie (2011). On the boob-tube, Maja Ostaszewska has lit up TV productions on the order of I'm Looking at You, Mary (2000), Recipe for Life (2013), Television Theater (2017), and Diagnoza (2019). With her star continuing to rise skinternationally over several decades, we finally got to see Maja Ostaszewska near nude in the thriller In The Name Of (2013). Maja sits on a bed in a long skirt and a bra, revealing some sensational cleavage, though we were really hoping she might take it off and kick things up a notch! Oh well, she definitely knows how to keep us in suspense, doesn't she?


Colors of Evil: Red (2024) - as Helena Bogucka

Broad Peak (2022) - as Ewa Dyakowska-Berbeka

Nude, breasts, underwear 00:10:00 Maja is getting a massage when her kid starts acting up, so she sits up to scold her. When she sits up and gets up, we can see that she is absolutely topless! (51 secs)
Nude, breasts, underwear 00:18:10 Maja gets up off a massage table, showing off her breasts as she goes to put on a robe! (22 secs)

Pitbull. New Order (2016) - as Olka

In the Name Of (2013) - as Ewa

Uwiklanie (2011) - as Agata Szacka

TV Shows

Na dobre i na zle - as Malgorzata Stankiewicz Donovan

Przepis na zycie - as Beata Darmieta

Time of Honor - as Wanda

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