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Lucélia Santos

Lucélia Santos Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, Hispanic, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: Santo André, São Paulo, BR

Date of Birth: 05/20/57

Top Lucélia Santos Scenes

Luz Del Fuego (1982) Nude, breasts, bush, butt Full nudity from Lucelia as she talks on a phone while laying nude on a table! (52 secs)
Luz Del Fuego (1982) Nude, breasts, bush, butt Lucelia takes off her dress on a boat, revealing her boobs, bush, and buns! (17 secs)
Luz Del Fuego (1982) Nude, breasts, bush, underwear Lucelia lounges nude on a rock with two naked guys and they dance around a bit! (1 min 42 secs)
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There are few things more skin-spiring than a lustful babe from Brazil. As a matter of fact, Mr. Skin himself gets thoroughly sprung at the thought of a South American hottie shedding her threads for his viewing pleasure. Enter the Brazilian babe Lucélia Santos, who was the first foreign actress on Chinese television and is a celebrity there, where her movie Escrava Isaura (1976) was a big hit. Imagine if those Chinese saw Bonitinha Mas Ordinária ou Otto Lara Rezende (1981), Lucélia’s nude debut? Those government censors would certainly have their work cut out for them, if they could stop touching themselves long enough to do their jobs! In the flick, she redeems a brutally violent sex scene by revealing her three B’s. Not Bad! She followed up that brutal performance with naked turns in Luz del Fuego (1982) where her full frontal action is constant and of course boner-inducing throughout. Santos must have needed to regroup after that movie because it was a long decade before she showed herself sexy again in Vagas Para Moças de Fino Trato (1993). There may not have been copious nudity, or any nudity for that matter, but she did look ravishing in the film from start to finish. The flesh fiends of the world had to stop rejoicing for her though, as she hasn't shown any skin since. If you care to see what she's been up to recently in showbiz check out her recurring appearance on the show Na Corda Bamba. Be a saint, Santos, and give us more of that bodacious bod!


Vagas Para Moças de Fino Trato (1993) - as Lúcia

Luz Del Fuego (1982) - as Luz Del Fuego

Nude, breasts, bush, butt Full nudity from Lucelia as she talks on a phone while laying nude on a table! (52 secs)
Nude, breasts, underwear Lucelia plays with a snake while sitting in a chair, taking off her trenchcoat to reveal her breasts! (22 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush, butt Lucelia takes off her dress on a boat, revealing her boobs, bush, and buns! (17 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush, underwear Lucelia lounges nude on a rock with two naked guys and they dance around a bit! (1 min 42 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush, butt A discount Mardi Gras celebration of some sort with full nudity from Lucelia and about a dozen other uncredited nude people! (1 min 48 secs)
Nude, breasts Breasts from Lucelia as she lays nude by the ocean! (55 secs)

TV Shows

Água Viva - as Janete

Carmem - as Carmem

Ciranda de Pedra - as Virgínia Prado

Ciranda, Cirandinha - as Tatiana

Dona Anja - as Dona Anja

Escrava Isaura - as Isaura

Feijão Maravilha - as Eliana

Guerra dos Sexos - as Carolina Carneiro

Locomotivas - as Fernanda

Malhação - as Jacqueline Lemos

Sangue do Meu Sangue - as Júlia Camargo

Sinhá Moça - as Sinhá Moça

Vereda Tropical - as Silvana

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