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Lisseth Candia Encina

Lisseth Candia Encina Nude

Brief Nudity


The luscious Lisseth Candia Encina is an actress best known for her work in Downhill (2016). Lisseth only has one credit but she certainly makes it count, showing off her beautiful boobies for her role as Woman Hunter. Downhill is about a biking star named Joe (Bryce Draper) whose best friend dies in a racing accident. Joe agrees to go on another race and while doing a run with his girlfriend Stephanie (Natalie Burn), they stumble upon a dying man who appears to have a mysterious virus. From there they become the targets of determined killers who want to keep their secret in the mountains. We'd love to go Downhill on Lisseth when she gives us glimpses of her naked chest as she is wearing an open white outfit. There is a nice quick shot of her yummy yabbos again as Natalie Burn gets her to the ground to stab her to death. We can’t get enough of this delicious Downhill star!