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Julieta Tramanzoli

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There is a reason we don't cry for Argentina, and it's not because of Madonna playing Evita. It's because Argentina has per capita (according to baseline and questionable scientific proof, and more of a gut feeling from us), the absolute scalding hottest hotties in the southern hemisphere. We've pooled the data, and based on the dime-pieces coming out of the comely cutie incubating capital of Buenos Aires, the results have come in, and it's undisputed bubble butted-ness across the board. We're sorry Brazil, pack it in, but definitely keep your phone handy, cause we'll still holler! Enter the control to help our voluptuous variables in this scientific methodology, Julieta Tramanzoli... Her screen time is not only limited, but it's downright criminal that she hasn't been cast in more projects to date. She comes our way with a Nude-Comer debut in the 2019 romantic drama The Blonde One, where she plays one of the sexual conquests of one of the male leads, and we get a chance to see her take a dimly let, yet fully naked traipse to the other room through a crack in the door, and it's just like looking through the hole in a paper plate, while watching an eclipse... borderline unsafe for your eyes! After inspecting her Instagram account, it's no wonder she shines like a diamond on the silver screen, so hopefully she gets some more roles soon because we are definitely going to be buying a one way ticket to Buenos Aires for this babe!