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Jennifer Ann Massey

Jennifer Ann Massey Sexy

No Nudity


Jennifer Ann Massey was born in Houston, Texas, and raised in the outlying suburb of Pearltown, quite apt for this jewel of a Texas titan. After school she moved to New York City to model that fine form and blonde beauty. The siren call of acting took her to Los Angeles where she's been seen on such boob tube fare as Two and a Half Men, CSI: Miami, The Mentalist and It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia. She cuts a sexy swath through the genetic babes of Tinseltown, but has yet to reap the benefits of what nudity can offer. The closest she's come is in Breaking the Girls (2012), where she's seen floating around in her underwear, and not even in revealing underwear. We'll give her the benefit of the doubt and wait for better things to expose themselves, because she's worth the wait.