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Duet for Four

Duet for Four (1982)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Tim Burstall
  • Theatrical Release: 02/26/1982
  • Country: Australia
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A middle-aged businessman is plagued with personal problems in the Australian drama Duet for Four (1982). Ray Martin (Mike Preston) is a Melbourne toy manufacturer who discovers that his wife, Caroline (Sigrid Thornton), has been cheating on him. He's got no reason to complain, however, because he also has a mistress, Jacki (Claire Binney). But now that his marriage is kaput, Jacki wants to make their relationship official. Will ray be able to avoid another stroll down the aisle while also coping with his drug-addicted daughter and his failing business? That's a lot to deal with at once, but Claire makes it all better by baring her boobtastic Binneys in the shower. Duet for Four will inspire a right-handed solo.