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Death Link

Death Link (2021)

No Nudity

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INSTATOCK, the hilariously named social media app at the center of the new film Death Link (2021), is an immediate indicator of the kind of movie you're watching. Julie (Elise Luthman), a popular high school senior, receives a video on the app that appears to show her friend Albert (Wes Newman) being brutally murdered, though it turns out to be an elaborate ruse. What starts out as a hoax, however, soon turns very real as many of the people in her popular clique also start turning up dead. It's a real shame there's no nudity in this flick, especially with the five leading female characters all going down to various states of undress! Elise Luthman, Jessica Belkin, Alice Tate, and Dakota Michael all look amazing in their bikinis, while Alli Simpson gives great cleavage, though she keeps her bra on during sex... who does that?