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Tank (1984)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Action
  • Directed by: Marvin Chomsky
  • Rated: PG
  • Home Release: 06/16/1998
  • Theatrical Release: 03/16/1984
  • Home Release: 05/16/1996
  • Country: USA
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Tank (1984) is a comedic action film that stars James Garner as Zak, a buttoned down Army general who is stationed at a base in the middle of nowhere for his last tour. When he leaves the base to find a bar, he is propositioned by a prostitute (Jenilee Harrison), but he rebuffs her advances. He soon finds out that the town sheriff is running a prostitution ring and once he finds out that Zak is on to them, they arrest his son (C. Thomas Howell). With no options left, Zak decides to take matters into his own hands, commanding a tank to bust his son out of prison and put an end to the corruption once and for all.  Jenilee Harrison takes things about as far as she can for a prostitute in a PG-rated James Garner film. When she propositions the good general, she is wearing a flimsy yellow top that shows off some percolating pokies! The top leaves little to the imagination, and it's a good thing too, since your imagination will come in handy, if you ever want to come in your hand-y!