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Pick-Up (1975)

Great Nudity!

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Groovy cuties Jill Senter and Gini Eastwood are hippies who hit up Alan Long for a ride in Pick-Up (1975), a ’70s exploitation sensation complete with naked chicks and head trips. Jill and Gini first spot Al peeing against a mobile home, and they naturally want to tag along with He Who Pees on RVs, so off the trio tally-hos to Tallahassee, Florida! Al is supposed to deliver the camper to an obnoxious car dealer there, but somewhere along the way they get high and get lost in a spooky swamp. Al and Jill then decide to nudely romp through the woods, nudely swing on swings, and nudely canoodle with nature while Gini stays behind to do Tarot cards and have horrible visions straight out of a hippie freak-out film. And, because this is a hippie freak-out film, freaky camera angles, groovy music, and snooby gratuity abound—including Gini offering her nubile booty to the god Pazuzu—until the heroes get freaked out as all get out by bad happenings in the swamp! Freaky.