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Medicine Ball

Medicine Ball

No Nudity


This extremely short-lived American medical-series was cancelled only two months after its premiere episode in March 1995. Interestingly, actress Marilu Henner was among the producers of Medicine Ball, whose fictional setting was the Bayview Medical Center in Seattle, WA. There it focused on a group of first-year resident doctors and their private and professional lives. Among them were Katie Cooper (Jensen Daggett), Danny Macklin (Donal Logue), and Harley Spencer (Harrison Pruett). While Katie was unable to get a grip on her private life, Danny’s biggest problem was his difficulty at confronting patients and their relatives with bad news. Harley, on the other hand, simply hated the protocol of hospital procedures. All that effort for so little gain.Nudity Report: Everything well within American TV conventions. However, leading actress Jensen Daggett can be seen wearing a nice bra in Friday the13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. It’s not much but still quite a nice sight!