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Littlerock (2011)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Two Japanese tourists get stranded in a small town in the fish-out-of-water story Littlerock (2011). Atsuko (Atsuko Okatsuka) and her brother Rintaro (Rintaro Sawamoto) are driving towards San Francisco when their rental car breaks down near the remote town of Littlerock, CA. The pair barely speak English so when their young local neighbors in the motel invite them to a party, communication is difficult but friendly. Rintaro wants to leave as soon as the car is repaired but the residents are starting to grow on Atsuko, and she wants to stay a while.Atsuko Okatsuka is playing a tourist that doesn’t speak English but the language of skin is universal and she bares her itty-bitties at the 36-minute mark while getting dressed in the motel. Her appearance in Littlerock will put a big rock in your pants!