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God's Slave

God's Slave (2013)

Brief Nudity

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Cat and mouse thriller God’s Slave (2013) is based on the true events of a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires that claimed the lives of eighty-five people, wounding hundreds more. The film’s mouse is Ahmed (Mohammed Alkhaldi), a dude raised from childhood to be a terrorist who, on the heels of a successful bombing, is tasked with executing a suicide bombing at a synagogue. The cat is David (Vando Villamil), a cold-blooded Israeli special agent will go to any lengths to stop any terrorist plots. While Ahmed poses as a doctor and works towards carrying out his diabolical plans, David follows various tips and clues that leads him to Ahmed. Can David stop Ahmed? Watch the film. If the plot doesn’t turn you on, we’re sure seeing Daniela Alvarado’s left boobie during a steamy sex scene will do the trick!